Mon Oct 15 2018 09:51:41 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

Given I am on google page 11ms

When I type "Cucumber" 101ms

Then I click on search button 1s 158ms

Then I clear the search text 51ms

Given I am on cucumber search results page 10ms

When I type "Protractor" 95ms

Then I click on search button 1s 518ms

Then I clear the search text 46ms

Given I am on protractor search results page 18ms + Show Error
    + expected - actual

    -Protractor - Tìm với Google
    +Protractor - Tìm với Google - Failed

    at getBasePromise.then.then.newArgs (D:\Protractor\protractor-cucumber-typescript\node_modules\chai-as-promised\lib\chai-as-promised.js:302:22)
    at (anonymous)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)

When I type "Typescript" 0s

Then I click on search button 0s

Then I clear the search text 0s

After 539ms Screenshot +