Project Number Date

Feature Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Feature Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
PAYMENT FEATURE 40 0 0 0 0 40 4 0 4 28s 732ms Passed
Tags: @payment
As an Automation Tester I want to check payment process So that I can make sure this function work well
Tags: @payment
16s 895ms
Given I input to "uid" textbox with data "mngr152676" 7s 853ms
And I input to "password" textbox with data "qEtEvUd" 184ms
When I click to "btnLogin" button 763ms
Then I verify Homepage displayed 1s 835ms
When I open "New Customer" page 1s 720ms
And I input to "name" textbox with data "Auto Test" 157ms
And I input to "dob" textbox with data "2000-10-01" 435ms
And I click to "m" radio button 109ms
And I input to "addr" textarea with data "123 Da nang" 166ms
And I input to "city" textbox with data "Da nang" 131ms
And I input to "state" textbox with data "Cam Le" 526ms
And I input to "pinno" textbox with data "123123" 117ms
And I input to "telephoneno" textbox with data "01234123433" 111ms
And I input to "emailid" textbox with random data "" 155ms
And I input to "password" textbox with data "123123" 101ms
And I click to "sub" button 1s 895ms
Then I verify success message displayed with "Customer Registered Successfully!!!" 047ms
And I verify expected data at "Customer Name" label equal actual data "Auto Test" 044ms
And I verify expected data at "Birthdate" label equal actual data "2000-10-01" 039ms
And I verify expected data at "Gender" label equal actual data "male" 043ms
And I verify expected data at "Address" label equal actual data "123 Da nang" 350ms
And I verify expected data at "City" label equal actual data "Da nang" 033ms
And I verify expected data at "Pin" label equal actual data "123123" 029ms
And I get Customer ID 040ms
3s 306ms
Given I open "Edit Customer" page 1s 592ms
When I input to Customer ID 132ms
And I click to "AccSubmit" button 1s 581ms
Tags: @payment
4s 316ms
Given I open "New Account" page 099ms
When I input to Customer ID 1s 556ms
And I select value is "Current" in dropdown list "selaccount" 167ms
When I input to "inideposit" textbox with data "50000" 407ms
And I click to "button2" button 1s 987ms
Then I verify success message displayed with "Account Generated Successfully!!!" 052ms
And I get Account ID 043ms
Tags: @payment
4s 214ms
Given I open "Deposit" page 1s 598ms
When I input to Account ID 123ms
When I input to "ammount" textbox with data "50000" 415ms
When I input to "desc" textbox with data "Deposit to Account" 138ms
And I click to "AccSubmit" button 1s 884ms
Then I verify success message displayed with "Transaction details of Deposit for Account" 053ms